MBKM Students Bina Desa Kediri Udayana University Forms an Integrated Environmental Care Group (KPLT) in Kediri Village

Students of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University (Unud) who are members of the MBKM Bina Desa Kediri Group, Tabanan succeeded in forming the Kediri Village Integrated Environmental Care Group. The Integrated Environmental Care Group, abbreviated as KPLT Desa Kediri, is a group of people who have the same passion, awareness and goals to maintain a healthy and clean village environment from garbage, drugs, juvenile delinquency, and other environmental problems. It is hoped that the participation of young people in the village such as Sekaa Teruna Teruni (STT) in each banjar will participate and join group membership.

The background for the formation of this group was due to the absence of a synergetic group between the Sekaa Teruna Teruni (STT) in each banjar in Kediri Village in terms of building the village together. In addition, the role of the younger generation, namely Sekaa Teruna Teruni, is needed as a candidate for successor to Kediri Village so that awareness and enthusiasm are instilled from an early age to build a village that is clean and healthy from environmental problems.

The participation of this group will be as a pioneer in forming public awareness of the importance of keeping the environment clean and managing waste, building awareness of the younger generation about the dangers of drugs, illegal drugs and juvenile delinquency, becoming a pioneer of social action and reporting on various environmental problems that occur in society to create a safe and orderly atmosphere.

Coinciding with the peak of the Bung Karno Month in Kediri Village on Friday, June 23 2023 which was held at the Pande Banjar Hall, Kediri Village, the Integrated Environmental Care Group was officially inaugurated by the Kediri Village Headman.

On this occasion, Nyoman Alit Suastana as Kediri Village Secretary hopes that the formation of the KPLT in general can contribute more to the village, because so far many phenomena have occurred and this group needs attention. Apart from that, it is hoped that the KPLT will blend in with the community, as well as the government agencies and adat will oversee the existence of the KPLT by facilitating and budgeting for funding.

"Don't forget, we thank you very much for the contribution of the MBKM Bina Desa students, Faculty of Law, Udayana University, who have been with us for about 4 months building the village, so we really feel helped by your presence," said Nyoman Alit Suastana.

With the official confirmation of the Kediri Village Environmental Care Group (KPLT), this is a big step for Kediri Village and the community to work together in maintaining and developing the village so that the expected goals can be achieved.