Udayana University Signs the 2023 Independent Entrepreneurial Program Cooperation Agreement

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara accompanied by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and the Head of the MBKM Unit attended the signing of the Program Wirausaha Merdeka (WMK) Cooperation Agreement (PKS) at Graha Utama Room, Building A Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Senayan Jakarta, Tuesday (27 /6/2023).

As one of the flagship MBKM Programs, the Program Wirausaha Merdeka Batch 2 has been officially launched for universities and students throughout Indonesia. In this regard, the PKS WMK Program Batch 2 was signed between the Implementing College (PTP) and the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs. The signing of the PKS was attended by the Leaders of the WMK Batch 2 Implementing Universities along with the Heads of the Implementing Team where there were 34 Universities implementing this program and one of them was Udayana University.

The event began with a report from the Head of the WMK Program Batch 2 Gamaliel Alexander Emil Waney, ST., MLA which was followed by remarks by the Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education Dr. Beny Bandanadjaja, ST.,MT and directions from Acting Director of Learning and Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Sri Gunani Partiwi, MT. In this activity, testimonies were also given for the implementation of the Independent Entrepreneur program in 2022 from 2 representatives of the Higher Education Program Implementing the Program and presentations from the LPDP.

The PKS signing was carried out by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Between and Acting Director of Learning and Student Affairs Dr. Sri Gunani Partiwi.