Udayana University Holds Public Information Disclosure Dissemination, Presents Vice Chairman of the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia as Resource Person

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held a Public Information Disclosure Outreach with the theme "Udayana University PPID Synergy in the Era of Public Information Openness" at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (26/6/2023). This activity was attended by Leaders from the Head Office, Faculty and Study Program Leaders as well as other invitees from Udayana University. The speaker in the socialization were the Vice Chairperson of the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, H. Arya Sandhiyudha, Ph.D with the material "Policy Directions for Public Information Disclosure In accordance with Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure", while as moderator Calvin Damasemil, S.I.Kom., M.Sc (Lecturer of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University).

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika representing the Rector of Udayana University as well as Chair of the PPID of Udayana University in his remarks said that this socialization had a strategic role in adding insight and understanding to the academic community at Udayana University on the importance of Public Information Openness. The world of education, especially universities, certainly has a very big role in developing and building civilization and encouraging the progress of the nation, including in the Openness of Public Information according to the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information. Udayana University as a State University in carrying out the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely Education, Research and Community Service, of course, must also take a position to play a role in implementing this public information disclosure.

Through this opportunity the Vice Rector also said that with the support of the entire academic community, Udayana University has won the title of Public Information Agency from the Central Information Commission for three consecutive years. Of course, with the title as an Informative Public Agency, we have a big responsibility to continue to prioritize and maintain the Marwah of Public Information Disclosure.

"Providing access to public information is an obligation of a public body, where this is a form of transparency and encourages public participation in providing input for future development. This of course can support the achievement of good university governance and the implementation of this socialization is expected to provide understanding and increase insight into the importance of public information disclosure," said the Vice Rector.

The speaker, Arya Sandhiyudha, Ph.D, in his material said that all this time he thought PPID only met the standards, maybe this is over for Unud which has won the informative title, but now we think about how our students or our students see this openness as a must. exist in their republic, we encourage them to use this openness of information to improve their nation in all sectors. If this openness works then all sectors will live optimally. This is an understanding that we can encourage students so that they can feel the benefits of this openness.

Talking about public information disclosure, its roots are in governance and in Law Number 14 of 2008, the nomenclature term is called a public body. Through this opportunity, his party invited socialization participants to become law socialitators who actually could revive students' concern nerves to ask for information and be critical of information from all who manage public areas.