Dryland Master Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University Assessment Online by BAN-PT Assessors

Denpasar - The Assessor Team for the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) conducted a field assessment which took place online, Friday (23/6/2023). This assessment was in the context of monitoring phase 3 of the Dryland Agriculture Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud). The team of assessors who attended were Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada, STP., M.App.Life.Sc (UGM) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiwiyono, M.Si (UNS Surakarta).

The opening of the assessment which was centered in the Senate Meeting Room of the Faculty of Agriculture Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Udayana University, Institutional and UPT Leaders, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and staff, Study Program Coordinators, Professors, Lecturers and students, staff as well as other invitations.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his remarks conveyed a glimpse of the profile of Udayana University which has won the title of superior accreditation and is currently in the form of BLU which is preparing to become a PTNBH. There are 13 faculties and postgraduate programs supported by 120 study programs with accreditation predicates of approximately 94 percent, which are excellent and very good.

For the Faculty of Agriculture itself there are 8 study programs consisting of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programs, where 5 of the 8 study programs have won the title of superior accreditation and the other 3 are in the process. The Dry Land Masters Study Program is one of the prides for Udayana University to provide the best understanding regarding dry land. In developing this Study Program, the university leadership strongly supports the existence of the Dry Land Masters Study Program. It is hoped that with this accreditation process, the performance that has been carried out can be photographed properly by the Assessor and if there are things that need clarification or have not been included so that they can be communicated, so that the Dryland Masters Study Program can remain superior and the assessors can provide guidance for the future be better.

While the Assessor Team said that they were given the task of carrying out an online assessment in accordance with the assignment from BAN-PT to carry out phase 3 monitoring which is a continuation of stages 1 and 2, this 3rd stage is to verify or photograph facts or conditions in the Study Program against data or information conveyed through performance data or performance evaluation report documents. For this purpose, the Assessor Team asked for permission to confirm the data according to schedule and confirmation of internal quality assurance, to the academic community, both alumni and users. The assessor team expressed their gratitude for the collaboration that has existed so far, starting from the preparation and active communication, the response was very good from the Dryland Masters Study Program.