Udayana University and PT. Hewania Solutions Digital Signs Memorandum of Understanding, Offers Digital Animal Health Service Program for Students

Udayana University (Unud) and PT. Animalia Solusi Digital officially started the collaboration which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by both parties at the Nusa Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (21/6/2023). The signing of this MoU was also coupled with the signing of the Cooperation Agreement which was carried out by the initiator of the collaboration, namely the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, in this case representing the Rector, said that the collaboration specifically initiated by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and PT. Animalia Solusi Digital, looking at this collaboration, of course playing on a digital platform. How are we going to encourage students from the Veterinary Education program and the Veterinary Profession program to actively participate in this collaboration, not only to gain experience working in cyberspace through digital platforms, but also to gain specific experience in how to provide services to the animal community and lovers animals through an apprenticeship process or practice process or communication in cyberspace.

With this collaboration, it is hoped that it can support the improvement of student competence, both for educational programs and competency programs. Unud will fully support this collaboration, indeed in official MBKM veterinary medicine is not specifically involved, but independently they will be given the opportunity and PT Animalia will provide land for our students to be able to practice online and offline.

Director of PT Animalia Solusi Digital, Richard Nathaniel Candra, said in the signing ceremony that this collaboration was related to education for the community in particular. So in the future we will collaborate with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University so that we can provide education to the veterinary community as well as to the animal lover community in the Animalia ecosystem, because currently there are more than 100 partner doctors and more than 15,000 Animalia users who are pet lovers in throughout Indonesia.

Richard hopes that there will be an improvement in quality through collaboration with Udayana University, especially at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. For students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Unud will also be given the opportunity to be able to do an internship program because especially at Animalia which is engaged in the Digital Animal Health Service where every student can get experience or the opportunity to be able to do an internship program in animals, especially regarding remote animal health or can also be accepted at the Animalia clinic. In addition, opportunities will be opened for students and other Udayana University academics to develop research or innovation related to animal health or remote health services so that through this collaboration it is hoped that it can bring benefits to many people.