Udayana University Holds Internal Selection of Indonesian Student Debate Competition 2023

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held the opening of the Internal Selection of the Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) at the Udayana University level in 2023 at the Postgraduate Hall of the Sudirman Campus, Saturday (17/06/2023). This internal selection was attended by students from various faculties at Udayana University and was carried out for two days, 17 and 18 June 2023.

Head of the organizing committee Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati, S.S., M.Hum. in his report said that there were 20 teams participating in the KDMI internal selection at Udayana University in 2023 with a total of 60 student participants. There is a difference from the previous year's KDMI, where in 2023 there are levels 1 and level 2 in the champion category. "This is not applied to internal selection, it only occurs at the national level," he explained.

In addition, in 2023 there will be a championship for judges at the national level, so apart from debaters, Udayana University will also provide special training for judges and it is hoped that they will also win awards at the national level. After this internal selection, representatives will be selected who will compete at the regional level and continue to the national level in September 2023.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. In his speech, Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana said that the KDMI internal selection participants should prepare themselves to become representatives of Udayana University. After screening in this internal selection, it will proceed to regional selection where it will not only be in the LLDikti VIII area, but will be combined with LLDikti VII, namely East Java and Balinusra.

"We will continue to conduct coaching after this internal selection, accompanying students who will represent Udayana University so they can also rank at the national level," said the Vice Rector.