Increasing the Number of Excellent Accreditation Study Programs, LP3M Udayana University Holds SPMI Document Preparation Training

Denpasar - The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University (Unud) held Training on Compiling Internal Quality Assurance System Documents which took place in the Hall Room of the Postgraduate Building, Campus Sudirman Denpasar, Wednesday (14/6/2023). This activity was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University by presenting two speakers namely Sugiyono, S.Sc., Ph.D (General Soedirman University) and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Salain employee, DEA (Secretary of LP3M Unud).

Head of LP3M Unud Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D in his report said that SPMI activities never stop, there are always things that need to be improved. In this training the theme raised is related to the Self-Evaluation Report which is very important, not only in preparing accreditation documents, but also as a basis for making policies in study programs and what is even more difficult is related to the SWOT analysis that will be delivered by the speakers present.

"And what is no less important is also related to us reformulating the profile of the study program, then the learning achievements of the study program including related matters that will be conveyed by the Secretary of LP3M later," said the Head of LP3M.

It is hoped that from the output of this activity, CPL can be reformulated and of course better accreditation documents, so that in the future it is hoped that through this activity all accreditation processes will go smoother and with satisfactory results or all of them will excel. Then the next challenge is international accreditation as is being done now and in the coming years.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech expressed his appreciation to LP3M which always oversees the quality assurance process at Udayana University. The Rector in this case conveyed the roadmap for future institutional development, namely the context of PTN BH is a goal for the future where currently the status of Unud is still BLU, hopefully it can join other PTNs that already have PTN BH. In the context of developing institutions with PTN BH, it does not stop there, but goes beyond that, namely internationalization. In moving towards internationalization, the thing that needs to be considered is how the implementation of Tridharma can lead there, then institutional development.

In that context, SPMI becomes something very important, meaning that it is impossible for SPME like BAN-PT, LAM-PTKes including internationalization to work well if our SPMI is not properly managed. With this training, it is hoped that it will have an impact on Kooprodi in making good management, so that the roadmap for the development of the Study Program can be as expected.

"Thank you for the participation of all ladies and gentlemen to unite to roll up arms for something that is called securing our internal quality assurance system, because later if it is safe there will be a lot of impact that we can do in the future," said the Rector of Udayana University.

On this occasion the Rector also gave his appreciation to the Study Program Coordinators and UP3M as well as the teams who are members of LP3M who have become the forefront of quality assurance. The material presented in this training includes the topic (1) "Conducting and Compiling a Self-Evaluation Report Properly (a lesson learned)" by Sugiyono, Ph.D and material (2) "Graduate Profiles, Graduate Learning Achievements and Study Program Specifications" by Prof. I Made Alit Employee of Salain. This training was attended by the Study Program Coordinators, the Learning Development Unit and Quality Assurance (UP3M), the Quality Assurance Implementation Team (TPPM), and the LP3M Team at Udayana University.

The participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the training because they had the opportunity to have two-way discussions in order to increase understanding in the preparation of good documents, so that they could be applied in their respective task units in internal and external quality assurance and as documents in the implementation of AMI.