MBKM Students Bina Desa Kediri Udayana University Holds KPLT Cadreization "Great Leaders for The Great Environment"

The MBKM Group for Development of Kediri Tabanan Village, Udayana University (Unud) carried out a Basic Cadreization work program in the Formation of an Integrated Environmental Care Group for Kediri Village with the theme "Great Leaders for The Great Environment", which was held on Sunday, June 11, 2023.

In this activity the Kediri Tabanan Village Development group presented two speakers, Komang Sudiarta from Malu Dong Community who presented material on the Role of the Young Generation in Waste Management to Build Independent, Clean and Healthy Villages and Made Gerry Gunawan, S.H who is an alumnus of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University who presented material on Building Leadership Character for the Young Generation as a Pillar of Organizational Sustainability.

This activity was attended by village officials from Kediri, both village heads, village secretaries, regional heads, Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas and Bendesa Adat Kediri who fully supported and appreciated this activity. The implementation of Basic Cadreization is the stage of forming the Integrated Environmental Care Group for Kediri Village, which is attended by 10 representatives from Sekaa Teruna in each of the existing banjars.

The activity took place in two sessions, namely the talkshow session, an interactive question and answer session between the resource persons and participants and village officials. It is hoped that through this regeneration activity it will be able to add to the basic understanding of all prospective members of the Integrated Environmental Care Group (KPLT) so that they can carry out their duties and dignity from the presence of this group.