Udayana University Holds Batch 5 Year 2023 Certificated Independent Study Internship Socialization

Jimbaran - Udayana University held a Batch 5 Year 2023 Certified Independent Study Internship Program (MSIB) Batch 5 Learning Socialization which took place online via the Cisco Webex application, Thursday (25/5/2023). This activity presented Dr. Ir. Nur Abdillah Siddiq, ST., IPP (Manager Student and University Engagement Team MSIB 5, Ministry of Education and Culture) and as moderator Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri, SS., M.Sc (Head of Evaluation and Quality Assurance of MBKM, Unud).

Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that MSIB is one of the MBKM programs which consists of 2 programs, namely there is an internship and there is an independent study, where students can choose one of them. With this internship, we hope that students can learn directly at the internship site to strengthen the hard skills acquired in college, then of course also strengthen the soft skills that will later be obtained at the internship place so that upon graduation they can directly or more confidently enter the world of business and industry. Likewise with this independent study, how can students gain additional competencies or special certifications or practical matters that are also needed in the business world and the industrial world in the future.

Both of these programs are very good, please join whichever you want to choose and most importantly be excited about doing MBKM. Many testimonies were conveyed by MSIB participants, where this activity was very good and students had the opportunity to take part in off-campus activities which were recognized as learning activities for 20 credits. This MSIB is an opportunity for students to be more likely to be accepted as employees at the internship site if, for example, they perform well during the internship. It is also possible that the experience gained can be used after graduating from college. Then you can also get networking at the internship site to improve your hard skills and soft skills.

"I hope younger siblings when you register directly, the more the better because this is one of our main performance indicators in tertiary institutions, there are many things that we can get. Youngsters, I hope this can be observed and followed and of course the hope to Koorpodi so that they are not constrained by credits, they can be recognized with 20 credits and can be recognized as MBKM performance," said the Vice Rector.

The resource person, Nur Abdillah Siddiq, conveyed that the background of this MSIB is to reduce the gap between the availability of quality human resources and industry demand. There are five reasons for students to take part in this MSIB, namely (1) to gain work experience in partner industries/institutions, (2) to complete real projects provided by partner industries/institutions, (3) the opportunity to get a Golden Ticket (directly recruited as employees at related partners). ), (4) get guidance from professional and experienced mentors and (5) get credit scores and recognition while participating in the program. There are more than 1200 registered partners. Student registration from 18 April to 7 June 2023.