The Refreshment of Scientific Work Validation Team in Udayana University.

Bukit Jimbaran, The Refreshment of Scientific Work Validation Team in Udayana University was held on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. The event was attended by Mr. Sujaya, the chairman of BPMU, Mr. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof.Dr.drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS as the Chief of UNUD Scientific Validation Team, Prof.Dr.Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen, M.Sc, the chairman of Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) Credit Score Assessment Team (CSAT), speakers from teachers directorate and education personnel Directorate General of Higher Education, scientific validation participants along with 60 validators and other invitation.

This event was started at 09:00 am to 10:00 am where the validation participants did the registration process. Then, opening remark was given by the Vice Rector of Udayana University, Prof.Dr.drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS, in which he stated that the purpose of the refreshment of the validation team is to improve the understanding of the publication of scientific papers in accordance with the scientific work, as well as improving the validation at the University of Udayana to reduce fraud in scientific works. 

The most eagerly anticipated event in this refreshment of scientific validation team was an exposure of scientific works publications and plagiarism prevention by Prof.Dr.Ir Yanuarsyah Haroen, M.Sc of ITB, Department of Electrical Engineering, the Chairman of DGHE Credit Score Assessment Team (PAK). In this event, he delivered some important things, namely:

1. The Basics of rule Change of Position promotion described as follows:


2. New Things within Position promotion rules in PERMENPANRB 17-2013 are:


  • Obtaining a diploma is not taken into account in AK promotion / rank, but included in the line of  Education in Annexes I, II, III
  • The percentage of Tridharma activity is 90% and 10% for Support
  • The percentage of activity Implementation of Education and Research is not equal For Appointment in certain academic positions. The basic concept is the meaning of lecturers according Teachers and Lecturers Law Article 1 point 2.
  • The period of habitation to a promotion is every four years (revised to 2 years in Permenpanrb 46-2013) and the promotion will be held for every two years
  • Requirements for promotion have changed, the first appointment of AA (Masters) and L (Doctor) only in national journals (described what was meant by national journals in the PO 2014). Promotion to LK must be a doctorate, rectified by Permenpanrb 46-2013, L + M can be promoted to LK with the minimum requirements of 1 scientific works in international journals and L + D can rise to LK with the minimum requirements of one scientific papers in accredited national journal.
  • M + LK further studies to Doctoral S3, must wait three years to be proposed to Professor unless there is additional scientific work first scientific papers in reputable international journals after graduation degree.
  • Skip positions from AA à LK, required min 2 scientific papers in international journals of repute.
  • Skip the position from L à P, required min 4 scientific papers in international journals of repute

3. Correspondence between S3 Educational Scientific and Field Assignment Science Professor which can be explained that:

4. The Scientific works Validation Process in the National Level which are described on Appendix work of art and its AK namely:




  • International Level Artwork if it fulfills one of the requirements below; It is organized by at least 3 (three) countries or entities who have received international recognition, Participants came from at least three states or more, observations made by critics who have authority at the international level.
  • National level Artwork if it fulfills one of the requirements below:
  • The organizing process is carried out by at least five (5) provinces or Authorized Board Committee.
  • Participants came from at least 5 provinces
  • The observations made by critics who have authority at the national level
  • Local level Artwork if it fulfills one of the requirements below:
  • The organizers conducted by a Committee of the Regions
  • Participants came from the Regency / City
  • The observations made by critics who have authority at the local level
  • When this work is performed independently or in similar activities, the assessment conducted by colleagues who have authority on international, national, and local level
  • When this work is performed in a festival or similar activities, the assessment carried out by a team of judges / observers who are competent in accordance with the international level, national, and local

5. The Refreshermen of Trunitin Application and here are some pages that should be known by lecturers:


After the exposure, the next event was a discussions session between validation participants with the speaker. (NE)