Udayana University Releases 71 Independent Students Learn Independent Campus Builds Villages

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) held a release event and dispatched students and field supervisors for Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Building Villages / Independent Thematic Real Work Classes (KKNT) period II in 2023. A total of 71 students participating in MBKM to Build Villages/Independent KKNT were released by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Udayana University in the Nation Room of the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Monday (27/2/2023). The release was marked by attaching nametags and hats to students and DPL and handing them over to village representatives.

Secretary of LPPM Unud Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD., IPM representing the Head of LPPM in her report said that it was the second time Unud conducted MBKM for KKNT through LPPM. Of course, in the first period there are still many shortcomings that must be corrected and improved again in this second period. There were a number of successful things in the first period that we can take as examples marked by the presence of several villages that applied again for KKNT students to be placed there. What was done there certainly has been able to contribute to the village. For this period we are still taking the same theme, namely Building SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Villages which has 8 sub-themes.

In the second period, there were 71 students from 6 Study Programs and the most were from the Architecture Study Program. The other study programs, namely the Travel Industry Study Program, Archeology, Anthropology, History and International Relations, will be placed in seven villages namely Pedawa and Sangsit Villages in Buleleng Regency, Tista and Fruits Tourism Village in Tabanan Regency, Penarungan Village, Badung Regency, Gunaksa Village, Klungkung Regency. and Peguyangan Village, Denpasar.

"Our hope is for DPLs to provide the best guidance to students and to provide consultation on all problems faced by students in the field and to be able to coordinate student needs with LPPM and to become an extension of LPPM in establishing networks with villages. Our hope is for younger students to carry out activities MBKM well and earnestly until it succeeds as promised in the proposal," said the Secretary of LPPM.

While the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU In his briefing conveyed the nature of the KKNT or MBKM Building Village activities by applying theoretical knowledge that students had received while studying at lectures and giving it to the community as a vehicle for practical learning and of course in line with MBKM is learning outside the campus. So understanding life, namely the hardships of social life, was understood when I was still studying, and this is a program from Mas Minister where he is given the opportunity for 6 months (1 semester) to study outside his study program to understand problems and find solutions to these problems.

"So six months in the village is not a vacation, but carrying a mission to improve people's welfare, of course, also improve the abilities of younger siblings, both their skills and soft skills," said Prof. Rai.

This KKNT will be converted into 20 credits which have been delivered by the MBKM Unit during the debriefing regarding the weight of the CPL given to students so that 20 credits are converted. The end of the implementation of this KKNT is expected to really realize the hope that students can increase self-awareness of the reality of living in society, increase personal and social responsibility for various problems faced by society and of course increase self-awareness of social roles and their role as academics who live side by side in community environment so that there is synergy and interaction.

The Vice Rector closed his speech with a rhyme: "Afternoon coffee on the veranda, Sit nicely on a chair; Theory and practice are sometimes different, It is there that students provide solutions."