Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau Holds the Closing of Independent Entrepreneurial Activities (WMK)

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held an online closing ceremony for Unud Independent Entrepreneurship (WMK) activities via Webex Tuesday, (31/1/23). This activity was officially closed by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU.

Head of Independent Entrepreneur Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Si. in his report he said, the Independent Entrepreneurial Enterprises (WMK) activities of Unud had been running from September 5 to December 2022. The recruitment process for the WMK Unud program had been carried out from the start. Of the 550 people who registered, 515 student participants were accepted, of which 511 were able to take part at the end of the program, with 382 people from Unud, 60 people from Dwijendra University, 36 people from Panji Sakti University, 13 people from Triatma Mulya University, 11 people from ITP Markandeya Bali, 8 people from Warmadewa University, 1 person from IPBI Bali, 1 person from ISI and 1 person from Itekes Bali.

Of the 17 WMK organizers funded by DIKTI, Unud who was chosen as the organizer was required to recruit at least 40 percent of WMK participants from nearby universities. The Independent Entrepreneurial Business Activity (WMK) of Unud has been held with several stages of initial program implementation, namely debriefing in the form of workshops, learning the basics of entrepreneurship, introduction to business ecosystems, bootcamp activities and at the end of the activity students have carried out prototyping and put out the products of the hard work of students at investment events summit. WMK Unud student participants have also taken a competency exam and are waiting for the announcement process and will later receive a competency certificate in the field of digital marketing.

Meanwhile Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his direction congratulated the students for completing the MBKM activities for 1 semester well and soon they will receive a digital marketing certificate which can later be used as a diploma accompanying certificate (SKPI). After the completion of the WMK activities, it is hoped that students can continue to run the businesses that have been created and marketed their products so that later they can become capable young entrepreneurs. In addition, students are also expected not to have to look for work but to create jobs. "If next year Unud is trusted again as the organizer to carry out this activity and other MBKM activities it is hoped that the universities involved can send as many students as possible to complete the quota that has been given," he said.