Equalizing Reviewers' Perceptions, LPPM Udayana University Holds a Workshop

In order to increase the capacity and competence of reviewers for research and community service programs, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on Equalizing Perceptions of Internal Unud Reviewers at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali. This workshop was opened by the Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes. Tuesday, (24/1/23).

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Sc. conveyed, the importance of aligning the perceptions of research reviewers and community service at Udayana University is that first we want to get quality proposals in accordance with the research standards used including standard results, content standards, processes, assessments and so on. Apart from that, this equalization of perceptions is so that the differences between one reviewer and another in the assessment of one scheme are not too big. Secondly, we also want to prepare reviewers within the PTN-BH framework and will review decentralized proposals, namely proposals funded by DIKTI. As for those involved in equalizing this perception were all reviewers who were recruited from all faculties at Unud. Currently there are 99 reviewers participating in this perception equalization event, besides that Unud already has 35 reviewers who are nationally certified.

Meanwhile Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, in the opportunity to open this event, expressed his pride, because LPPM Unud was able to re-implement the workshop activities to equate the perceptions of research reviewers and community service, "Of course I hope that by holding this activity technically it will be able to help reviewers' abilities in assessing proposals objectively. so that the two reviewers will be able to give a better assessment," he said.

From a policy point of view, it is certainly hoped that this training in common perception will be able to encourage the birth of quality proposals, so as to be able to produce research that leads to downstream processes through inventions and innovations, and is expected to be able to provide support to the Rector's performance indicators, especially in encouraging more lecturers -lecturers who produce proposals so that the research ratio between the number of studies and the number of lecturers will increasingly reach one.

In addition, it is also hoped that Unud's internal reviewers will increasingly have good competence and be able to take part at Udayana University in particular, and be able to prepare themselves to take part at the national level, moreover later there will be a transformation from BLU to PTNBH, of course opportunities to get research schemes there are more and more national and international ones, so the presence of competence as well as support from internal reviewers will be very important to encourage more lecturers to produce proposals that are accepted and funded from national and international schemes.