Releasing Inbound Students, Udayana University Holds the Closing of the 2022 Merdeka Inbound Student Exchange

In the context of ending the Batch 2 Inbound Free Student Exchange (PMM) activities, Udayana University (Unud) held the Closing of the 2022 Inbound PMM Batch 2 at the Jimbaran Campus Library Building Hall, Tuesday (27/12/2022). This activity was attended by Inbound Batch 2 PMM students who had completed 1 semester of PMM activities at Udayana University. Through this activity, several PMM Batch 2 Inbound students at Udayana University also had the opportunity to present the Balinese Puspanjali dance and the Indonesian archipelago dance.

Unud PMM Batch 2 Inbound student representative Andrean said that many impressions were obtained from PMM Batch 2 at Udayana University, both from an academic, cultural and tolerance perspective, as well as an understanding of a person's character which is of course diverse and different. From an academic point of view, of course, Udayana University has excellent students and lecturers, so that the learning can run very well. In terms of culture and tolerance, gain an understanding of Balinese society and culture through the Nusantara Module program which is guided by great lecturers.

Andrean further said that participating in PMM Batch 2 activities at Unud changed many things for him. "Participating in PMM-DN Batch 2 at Udayana University was a step in my life that really changed my life, because we with different backgrounds were brought together in one place that made us really learn the meaning of life," he said.

Merdeka Learning Coordinator for Merdeka Campus Unud Dr. I Ketut Sardiana in his remarks said that many things had gone well, both joy and sorrow, and became joint discussions due to adjustments made in the midst of diversity. This PMM is a national strategic program in the field of education, namely from the Merdeka Campus activities by being given the opportunity to exchange for 1 semester to understand diversity. This PMM activity was attended by 93 students through the PMM Batch 2 Program and there were 7 Independent Student Exchanges from Gadjah Mada University so that there were a total of 100 students who exchanged for 1 semester at Udayana University who came from 44 universities from all over Indonesia.

Representative of the Supervisor for the Independent Learning Area of ​​the Merdeka Campus PMM Dyah Ayu Yuli Murniyati in her remarks said that the 2022 Independent Student Exchange Program activities were attended by 35,107 applicants. The goals that are added value from the PMM Batch 2 activities are exploring and studying the diversity of the archipelago, making friends with students from various regions, and strengthening and expanding academic potential.

While the Head of Student Affairs Bureau of Unud Drs. I Ketut Kartika, on this occasion, said that the Merdeka Student Exchange is an implementation of the Merdeka Learning Merdeka Campus. The purpose of this PMM is to invite students on how to be tolerant by meeting students from tertiary institutions throughout Indonesia with different backgrounds. Of course, there is great hope that students who take part in this PMM in the future will become national leaders who know the character of the nation and can tolerate diversity. In addition, the Head of the Bureau hopes that students who take part in PMM can inform their respective universities of origin that the culture in this archipelago is very many and varied.