The Rector of Udayana University Receives a Copy of the Decree for the Opening of the Thorax Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Study Program

Institutional Director Dr. Lukman, ST., M.Hum representing the Director General of Higher Education and Technology submitted a copy of the Minister of Education and Culture Decree regarding the permit to open the Thorax Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Study Program Specialist Program at Udayana University which was received directly by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara at Century Park Hotel Jakarta, Friday (16/12/2022).

By submitting a copy of this Ministerial Decree, registration can be opened to accept students. The director hopes that it will be smooth sailing because this is also a government program for acceleration and scholarships have also been prepared, both through the Ministry of Health and LPDP which will be promoted and hopefully get students optimally.