Udayana University Holds Investment Summit Independent Entrepreneur Program in 2022

Udayana University (Unud) held an Investment Summit for the Independent Entrepreneurial Program of Udayana University in 2022 with the theme of the event "Building a Mindset, Not Just Turnover". This activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU took place in the Green Open Room of Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (13/12/22).

The coordinator of MBKM Unud namely Dr. Ir. In this case, I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si said that today's activities were carried out for two days, December 13-14 2022. This activity was part of the Investment Summit and also the Entrepreneurship Festival. The Investment Summit is to bring together students participating in the independent entrepreneur program with investors who have been given learning or provisioning about entrepreneurship through various stages starting from workshops then apprenticeships at entrepreneurs, SMEs, and there is also a Boot Camp to set up a business and now he is making prototypes, namely models or an example of a business product that was created and will now be showcased. Furthermore, investors are invited to see and assess whether this product is feasible to be developed into entrepreneurs.

The Investment Summit activity was attended by 103 boots where in one booth consisted of one group and each group with one business product consisted of five students. "So there were 511 entrepreneurs participating in WMK who participated in this Investment Summit, and then from Free Entrepreneurs there were also around 250 participants," said the Unud MBKM Coordinator.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said, Higher Education as an institution for creating future human resources is required to carry out innovative, flexible and adaptive learning so as to produce graduates with comprehensive capabilities, namely good hard skills and soft skills. MBKM is a policy that encourages Indonesian students to master various knowledge or skills that are useful for increasing their competitiveness, portfolio and future quality when they become graduates.

Furthermore, the Vice Rector said that students are expected to become agents of change who help improve the quality of the community's economy and become agents of drive in providing innovative solutions to create jobs through student business opportunities and development, as well as become agents pioneer (agent of creator) to foster new entrepreneurial potential in Indonesia. "The programs that we carry out both from the Ministry and from Unud itself are to increase the competence of graduates so that the employability rate of our graduates increases, one of which is by opening business fields independently," he said.