Dharma Wanita Association of Udayana University Makes a Social Visit to the Gayatri Widya Mandala Orphanage, Tabanan

Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) of Udayana University (Unud) carried out a social visit to the Gayatri Widya Mandala orphanage in the context of the 23rd DWP Anniversary, which is located at Jalan Wibisana Number 11, Tabanan on Tuesday (6/12/2022). The DWP Unud social visit was attended by the Chairperson of the DWP Unud, the Dean's and the Head of the Bureau ladies.

Apart from visiting, DWP Unud also brought souvenirs in the form of stationery, instant noodles, milk and biscuits, toiletries, Pampers, oil and baby powder, and cash assistance. Head of DWP Unud Mrs. Ida Ayu Bulan Antara said, DWP Unud women have a high sense of concern for others. All of this assistance was said to be voluntary donations from DWP Unud ladies.

"And we feel touched to visit the orphanage where our goal and intention is to share with others, especially the children who live in the Gayatri Widya Mandala orphanage, where most of their problems are left by their parents. There are even those who were born by their mother, have been entrusted and handed over to the orphanage and raised by Oma Gayatri, as the head of the orphanage," he explained.

The visit to the Gayatri Widya Mandala orphanage was a continuation of the visit of Vice Rector IV who personally made regular visits to the orphanage. So that the visit was continued as an agenda for the DWP Unud. “As a mother, I feel touched to share with others, especially for orphans who have various problems, especially those abandoned by their parents. Earlier I saw a child whose name was Laksmi, she knew she was not born by her grandmother here but she has a mother, she always asks when her mother picks her up," he said.

Out of all the children, namely 38 people, together with 8 caretakers of the orphanage, they only take care of them, do not accept child adoption. Once the children are over 18 years old, they have two choices, they are allowed to live in the orphanage while looking for a job or they can leave the orphanage after they get a job and live independently.

While being cared for at the orphanage, they are educated with good discipline in terms of time so that they are born and grow into strong and very independent children. Dayu Bulan saw that as soon as she entered the orphanage, the children were very polite and courteous and had high ethics.

It is hoped that the souvenirs brought today will be of benefit to the orphanage. In addition, he hopes that DWP Unud can schedule a return visit to the Gayatri Widya Mandala orphanage. "So I will schedule it as a work program for 2023," he said.