Udayana University Collaborates with the Bali Province National Narcotics Agency to Hold a Urine Test

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with the Bali Province National Narcotics Agency (BNNP Bali) to carry out urine tests for Unud leaders and officials at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (29/11/2022). The implementation of this urine test began with the Socialization of BNNP Bali Efforts and Strategies to Realize a Shining Bali (Clean Drugs) by Plt. Head of BNNP I Putu Agus Arjaya, SE., M.Sc.

The implementation of this urine test is an implementation of the activities of the National Action Plan (RAN) for the Prevention and Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) within Udayana University. As many as 65 officials and heads of work units in the Udayana University who were registered as participants in this urine test. The urine test uses as many as 6 parameters in accordance with the standard implementation of the test.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Unud Prof. I Gst. Bgs. Wiksuana on this occasion conveyed that the distribution and abuse of narcotics is one of the national problems that the government takes seriously, because it can cause damage to the nation's morale. Therefore the government pays great attention to the handling of narcotics abuse. The President has issued Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2020 concerning the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of the Abuse and Illicit Traffic of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors for 2020-2024. Then pointed to the letter from Plt. Secretary of the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding the reporting of the 2020-2024 RAN P4GN where the results of this activity will be reported to the Ministry.

For this reason, Unud invited a competent institution, namely BNN to carry out this activity so that the results obtained were as expected. Participants who take this urine test are leaders in each work unit who are expected to be able to set an example and educate their staff including students so that this government program can have a positive impact for the continuation of a healthy and drug-free next generation.

While Plt. Head of BNNP Bali I Putu Agus Arjaya in his presentation conveyed regarding BNN's strategy in P4GN efforts namely Soft Power (prevention activities, community empowerment & rehabilitation), Hard Power (eradication activities) and Smart Power (utilization of information technology) to realize Indonesia Shines with the tagline " War on Drugs". The head of the National Narcotics Agency also explained that the Soft Power Approach is a free rehabilitation service for drug addicts/abusers, no criminal prosecution and privacy is guaranteed.