LAM-PTKes Conducts Field Assessments on Physiotherapy Undergraduate and Profession Study Programs, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

The Assessor Team for the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) conducted a field assessment of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud). The opening of the assessment was held in the Dr. Meeting Room. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, which was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University, Monday (28/11/2022). The Assessor Team who attended consisted of Dr. Tiar Erawan, S.Ft, Physio, M.Kes, Muhammad Mudatsir Syatibi, Dipl. PT, S.Psi, M.Kes and Isnaini Herawati, Ftr., M.Sc.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih in his remarks conveyed that accreditation is an effort to guarantee the quality of the tridharma of higher education is truly in accordance with established norms, rules and standards. This is to ensure that the competence of graduates truly meets the expectations and demands of society. Therefore quality assurance efforts are important for us to do. Internally the quality assurance system is running well, but it needs to be complemented by an external system, in this case from LAM-PTKes. He hopes that what has been reported through documents sent to LAM-PTKES is in accordance with the conditions found in the field by the Assessor Team. The Dean also hopes that the Assessors can provide input as a provision to make the Tridharma process better in the future.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara conveyed a glimpse of the profile of Udayana University which has been accredited as a superior institution, where there are 119 study programs of which 70 percent have been accredited Excellent, Very Good and A. It is hoped that the Physiotherapy Study Program will also be able to achieve excellent accreditation. The roadmap for study programs that are already superior will be pushed to the international level, one of which is ACIIN. Through this opportunity the Rector also informed that currently Unud is transforming from BLU to PTNBH. The Rector also said that the S0 and S1 lectures would be centered on the Jimbaran Campus and currently the infrastructure was being prepared. While the Denpasar Campus will be focused on the postgraduate level. Unud also has a hospital that is being developed and is currently a type B hospital and will be prepared to become Type A and become the Main Teaching Hospital.

Regarding the Physiotherapy Study Program, the Rector said that the study program had very high interest and had a very good cooperative relationship, namely through the Go Bali program bringing in foreign students. During the field assessment process, the Rector asked the Taskforce Team to accompany the Assessor Team so that whatever was needed in the assignment could be carried out properly, quickly and efficiently. The Rector also asked the assessors for directions on how to develop the study program in the future.

Representative of the Assessor Team Dr. Tiar Erawan said that for the first time, his party was conducting an assessment at once for two Study Programs and the three were assigned the LAM-PTKes to photograph the teaching and learning process in the Study Programs. In carrying out the assessment, you will see and clarify the files that have been uploaded before. In this assessment, his team will also visit the network hospital to see students doing practical work. He hopes that if there are documents that have not been reported, they can be submitted to the Assessor Team.