Udayana University Promotes Participation Credit Unit Information System (SISAKTI) for Students

The Student Bureau of Udayana University held a hybrid socialization of the Participation Credit Unit Information System (SISAKTI) of Udayana University in 2022, offline and online with the main location point being in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Friday (11/11/2022). This socialization was attended by the Sub Coordinators of Faculty Student Affairs, Faculty SISAKTI Operators, Head of University BEM and DPM, and Head of Faculty BEM and DPM.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Coordinator of Student Interests, Reasoning and Information I Made Budiastrawan, S.Kom., M.M. in his remarks said that this activity aims to introduce new features to SISAKTI, especially to new students of Udayana University. SISAKTI has been running since previous years, but there are still some obstacles such as the number of activities that are not recorded in the system. It is hoped that in the future all student activities can be recorded properly in SISAKTI.

In addition to SISAKTI, the Student Affairs Bureau has also developed other systems including SIMPONI PADI and SINMAWA which have been socialized previously. SIMPONI PADI is a system that aims to accommodate the achievements of all students at Udayana University.

In this activity, there were speakers from the Information Resources Unit (USDI) of Udayana University, namely I Putu Gede Hendra Suputra, S.Kom.,M.Kom. as the Secretary for Information Technology Services who delivered material related to the use of SISAKTI.