813 Students of Udayana University Recipients of KIP Kuliah in 2022 Participate in Character Education and Learning Development

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held Learning and Character Education Development for Udayana University students who were recipients of the 2022 KIP Kuliah, located at the Widyasabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (11/09/2022). This activity presented 3 resource persons, Dewa Gede Pradnya Yustiawan, S.H., M.H. as Secretary of Scholarship Development, Dra. Adijanti Marheni, M.Si. as the Head of the Counseling Guidance Unit, and Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Sc. as Chair of the USCC.

Chairman of the Committee Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, S.E., M.M. in his report said that the students who received the 2022 KIP Kuliah as many as 815 students consisted of 809 students from university quotas and 6 students from community proposals. A total of 813 students who received the 2022 KIP Kuliah attended the Learning and Character Education Development activity this time.

This development of Character Learning and Education aims to make students who receive the KIP Kuliah scholarship have good character and can be an example for other students; play an active role and contribute to the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education; support and participate in the MBKM, Entrepreneurship, and Achievement Program in both academic and non-academic fields; know the rights and obligations as a student receiving the KIP Kuliah scholarship; pass on time; and obediently and obediently make a report on the use of living expenses at the end of each semester.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University in this event said that this activity was actually one of Unud's strategies to increase public openness regarding the scholarship management system and guidance for KIP-Kuliah Scholarship recipients. Through the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that the students receiving the KIP Kuliah will have a high sense of concern to help improve the quality of education, both by way of achievement and others while maintaining the good name of Udayana University.