Assessors for Healthy Campuses of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation of Healthy Campuses at Udayana University

The Health Campus Assessor Team of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) conducted Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of the Healthy Campus at Udayana University (Unud) at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Wednesday (11/09/2022). The Monitoring and Evaluation of Healthy Campus was carried out for two days, 9-10 November 2022.

The Rector of Unud who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika said that the Healthy Campus program of Udayana University really supports the development of national health which aims to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live healthy for everyone, in order to realize the highest degree of public health. Efforts to improve the degree of public health are influenced by behavioral factors, environmental factors, health service factors and genetic factors.

Healthy Campus is a comprehensive and integrated approach that involves the entire university academic community. To create a campus as a healthy place to study and work, the implementation of a Healthy Campus at Udayana University is expected to move the education sector to play an active role in realizing a Healthy Indonesia, through promotive-preventive efforts in the campus environment. Udayana University as a place of activity for students and lecturers as well as education staff, has enormous potential to support the formation of healthy living behavior and become an agent of change in clean and healthy living behavior.

dr.Esti Widiastuti, MSc.PH as the representative of the Assessor/Chairman of the Substance Work Team for Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Disorders on this occasion expressed his highest appreciation for the efforts made by Udayana University in the context of developing and implementing a Healthy Campus. The Healthy Campus Program is one of the strategies to encourage every individual to live a healthy and productive life on campus. Of course, higher education is one of the references for implementing a healthy campus in carrying out the functions of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Udayana University in this case is a forum for education for the younger generation and a gathering place for the majority of the productive age group and is a potential group as an agent of change and role model in contributing to improving public health status.