Follow Up Cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) Timor Leste, Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University Holds Training

Masters in Dry Land Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste held an International Training "Vegetable & Fruit Tile" which took place in the Orchid Room of Hotel Puri Nusa Indah III Denpasar, Monday (7/11/2022).

Dr. Gede Wijana as the Chairperson of the Organizer said that this training will last for 21 days with 6 participants who are staff from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste. This training is a continuation of the basic tiling training that was carried out in 2019, and this year to strengthen it. This training aims to understand and be skilled at doing the correct tiling for vegetables and fruit plants; Good practice (Best Practice) techniques for tiling vegetable and fruit plants; Understanding and skilled in data input/enter data; Data analysis, analysis of benefits and policies of tiling data for Timor Leste and the realization of guidelines for tiling horticultural crops.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana expressed his gratitude for the trust from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste to provide opportunities for collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture in improving the competence of human resources, especially in the field of vegetable and fruit tiles. The Dean also appreciated the study program that has established international cooperation which of course can add credit points for the development of dry land science. It is hoped that this training will run smoothly and achieve the objectives as expected by the parties.

The Director General for Cooperation and Development of Agricultural Institutions at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste Cesar Jose da Cruz in his remarks said that after the training, participants who took part would become instructors in Timor Leste and in a short time it was hoped that they would be able to master the material provided by the resource persons. Agriculture and Tourism are the focus of development and Timor Leste needs a lot of human resources in all fields, for this reason, collaborations with various universities have been established, one of which is Unud to prepare human resources in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste. He hoped that Unud could help increase capacity and technology in Timor Leste. Participants who take part in the training are asked to focus during the training, so that later they can become instructors after returning to their original institution. Through this opportunity, the Director General also expressed his appreciation to Unud and hoped that through the training, participants could gain knowledge in the field of agriculture, and also related to the existing culture.

While the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in opening this event hoped that the trainees would receive technology transfer from the resource persons in accordance with the training materials. The Vice Rector also expressed his appreciation and support for the cooperation that has been established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste and hopefully it can continue with various other activities in the future. The existing MoU should be implemented with PKS at the Study Program level. The Vice Rector hopes that the training will provide space for participants to transfer knowledge and technology and strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

This training presents two resource persons as well as instructors, namely Prof. I Nyoman Rai and Dr. Big Wijana. In this training, participants will be invited to visit Herbal Gardens, Buleleng Regency Agriculture Office and Tunas Dewata Nursery Gardens. Meanwhile, the material provided is related to tile review, excel data software material and data entry simulation, best practices for vegetable and fruit tiling techniques, tile data tabulation, data analysis and input as well as discussion of horticultural tiling guidelines and evaluation.