Surveillance Audit of the National Professional Certification Agency at the Udayana University Professional Certification Institute

Friday, November 4, 2022, the Professional Certification Institute of Udayana University (LSP Unud) received the Surveillance Team of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The purpose of carrying out a surveillance audit is to ensure that the Unud LSP is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower Number 333 of 2020 concerning the Stipulation of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards for the Category of Leasing and Leasing Activities without Option Rights, Employment, Travel Agents and Other Supporting Businesses. Standardization, Job Training And Certification.

The surveillance audit team from BNSP consists of Robiatul Adawiyah and Fina. The surveillance event was also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, the Head of LSP Unud, Dr. Putu Saroyini Piartrini ., SE., MM., Ak, Certification Quality Manager, Dra. This is Made Ariani., M.Par and the Certification Manager, I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna., S.ST Par., M.Par. In his remarks, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University said he was welcome to Udayana University, and hoped for input that was believed to be useful for improving the implementation of Competency Certification and Supporting Services. The Professional Competency Certification activity is one of the strategic programs launched in order to realize Superior and Independent graduates in the Job Market.

It was also stated that the LSP Unud is open and expects input through a surveillance audit that is carried out to maintain and improve the management of the implementation of certification in a sustainable manner. LSP Unud has obtained a license since April 9 2017, conducted an assessment for 733 Vocational Unud students and issued 726 competency certificates for D3 and D4 students at Udayana University.

With the support of the leadership of the Udayana University Institution and the collaboration of the academic community, currently LSP Unud is developing a Southeast Asian regional professional competency certification scheme for the tourism profession to support the Vision of Internationalization of Udayana University.