Udayana University Hosts International Microbiology Conference 2022

Jimbaran - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) of Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with the Microbiology Society of India and Vidya Pratishthan's Arts, Science & Commerce College held the 2022 International Microbiology Conference at the Adnyana Manuaba Hall, Faculty of Tourism, Unud Jimbaran Campus, 29-30 October 2022. This International Conference took the topic "Biotechnology for a Better Tomorrow".

Chairman of the Committee Prof. Dr. Dra. Retno Kawuri, M.Phill in her report said that this is an important milestone for the collaboration between the Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Indian Society of Microbiology, and Vidya Pratishthan's arts, science and commerce college. In this International Conference there were around 149 scientists from India, Saudi Arabia, Amman and Indonesia who joined through online and offline platforms. The aim of this international conference is to bring together researchers, managers, policy makers and other groups of the scientific community, who are active in related fields and provide them with a forum to exchange information through presentations and discussion of papers. He hopes that participants will have the opportunity to explore scientific advantages that are developing in the field.

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc.,Ph.D in her speech said this conference was the first collaboration of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the Microbiology Society of India and Vidya Pratishthan's Arts, Science & Commerce College. The Dean further said that in the last decade, microbiology has developed significantly and has been widely used as an advanced tool in various fields such as agriculture, medical, environmental, and industrial and many more. Advances in genomic, proteomics and metabolic technologies have also contributed significantly to the rapid discovery of new enzymes, metabolites, bacteriocins, microbial species and properties. We will look at some of these interesting findings throughout the conference. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences currently has 187 lecturers, more than 90 percent doctorates, and 16 professors with outstanding research and publication profiles. Armed with this, his party is ready to expand research collaborations with fellow scientists in India. Therefore, the cooperation between the two parties is not only in terms of conferences, but can also be extended to other collaborations such as research, student or lecturer exchanges, and others that are scientifically and academically beneficial for both parties.

While the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP.,IPU representing the Rector of Unud in his speech said that this conference had great momentum because it coincided with Indonesia hosting the G20 meeting, in Bali, with the motto "Recover together, recover stronger". After the Covid-19 pandemic, most countries face economic challenges, especially related to food security and energy security. This situation requires strategic mitigation plans to strengthen local foodstuffs, develop herbal medicines from local plant species, and explore various green energy sources and many more. He hopes that this conference will not only provide a strong learning experience and network, but also spark ideas and creativity to produce research topics that are relevant to the needs of our society. The Vice Rector hopes that this conference can be useful and inspire the academic community and communities who have attended.

President of Microbiologist Society of India Dr. A.M. Deshmukh said that this was a memorable event because it was his dream to hold a conference in Bali. The Microbiologist Society asked to hold a conference in Bali and Unud was willing to do it. International Conferences have been held in several countries such as the USA, Dubai, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other countries. His party appreciated Unud through the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences who supported the implementation of this International Conference.