Follow-up Cooperation with Timor Leste Partners, Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Signs Memorandum of Agreement

As a follow-up to foreign cooperation, the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University (Unud) and the Dili Institute of Technology, Timor Leste, the Faculty of Tourism signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) which took place in the Adnyana Manuaba Hall, Faculty of Tourism, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (27/10/2022).

Present at the visit and signing of the MoA, the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Coordinance of the Travel Industry, Head of the Cooperation Unit of the Faculty of Tourism, while the Dili Institute of Technology, Timor Leste was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism. together with the Head of the Department of Tour and Travel Management along with staff and students.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes said that the presence of the Dili Institute of Technology Timor Leste group at the Faculty of Tourism Unud is expected to strengthen cooperation between the two universities, faculties and existing study programs. The cooperation that is built is expected to provide added value to both parties, both in sharing knowledge and experience in tourism management. From the aspect of cooperation, of course, the MoU that has been realized and is currently being followed up with a cooperation agreement, namely the MoA, will then be followed up with follow-up technical activities. So that the implementation of cooperation is not only on paper, but is followed up in a real, documented and legal way in various activities that benefit both universities.

The Vice Rector expressed his appreciation to the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Unud who had followed up on the MoU and hoped that the cooperation activities of the Parties could continue. He also invited the Dili Institute of Technology to explore other faculties/work units at Unud. The Rector's message, so that the MoU does not only apply to one study program, but can be developed with other study programs.

In this activity, an MoA was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism of Unud with the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism of Dili Institute of Technology, and the signing of an Implementation Agreement by the Coorporate of the Travel Industry with the Head of the Department of Tour and Travel Management.