Matching Perceptions, LP3M Holds Workshop "Integrated Curriculum Measuring Graduate Learning Outcomes in RPS and SIMAK"

The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop "Integrating Curriculum for Measurement of Graduate Learning Outcomes in RPS and SIMAK". This workshop was attended by the Deans, Postgraduate Director, Vice Dean I, Vice Director I, UP3M, Koprodi and TPPM towards International Accreditation, FIBAA Task Force Team, AUN-QA, IABEE, ASIN and LP3M Team. Thursday, (10/20/22).

Secretary of LP3M Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Alit Employee Salain, DEA as Chair of the Workshop Committee said that the level of success of students in participating in learning is generally measured through an assessment process for each subject assigned to each study program, then the success rate is expressed in the form of numbers and letters which are then transferred to semester achievement index or cumulative achievement index.

This approach does not really describe the level of student success when it is associated with the learning outcomes of graduates formulated in graduate competency standards in study programs that cover the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. Thus, apart from the IP measure, of course, it is necessary to create a mechanism to measure the three domains, so that it can be used as an indicator to show the success of students taking their studies in relation to the learning outcomes that have been determined. For this reason, after attending this workshop, it is hoped that there will be an adjustment of the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) in which it is necessary to describe how the mechanism or technique for assessing the CPL is, and later after cumulative learning can be grouped with the overall course to get a measure of graduate learning achievement.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU conveyed that the workshop was held in order to equalize perceptions, especially the measurement of Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) from the national higher education standard as measured by the student graduate achievement index. In the implementation of international accreditation, more details are often asked about the measurement of Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL). "So it is necessary to have a common perception, even though later it turns out to exceed national standards, moreover we are moving towards internationalization," said Vice Rector.

Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK) will also be integrated at SIMAK. This has been done for the Study Program from the Faculty of Engineering, FTP, and it is hoped that LP3M will move towards all Study Programs to integrate CPL, CPMK at SIMAK, Udayana University. It is hoped that the output produced in this meeting is an international standard CPL measurement.

This workshop presented resource persons Maria Hidayati, S.S., M.Pd., from the State University of Malang and I Made Arsa Suyadnya, ST., M.Eng from the USDI Team of Udayana University.