Founder of GEM Co., Ltd. Visit the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

Jimbaran - In order to strengthen cooperation in education and human resources between Indonesia and China, GEM Co., Ltd paid a visit to the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University to explore cooperation in the field of Hydrometallurgical education and research. This visit was facilitated by the Assistant Deputy for Infrastructure Support Industry, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Secretariat of the RI-PRC/HDCM High-level Dialogue and Cooperation Mechanism. This visit was received by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information together with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the ranks of the Dean at the Jimbaran Campus Dean Building, Tuesday (4/10/2022).

Vice Rector Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika said that his party hopes that this meeting can be followed up with good cooperation so that it can realize the work plan between the Coordinating Ministry and GEM. He also hopes that the collaboration will provide benefits for Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Engineering, both lecturers, students and other staff. Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector also informed that the Chinese Ambassador had visited Udayana University last month. The cooperation that has been built so far is with the Faculty of Cultural Sciences related to learning Mandarin and others related to the development of Indonesia-China cooperation. It is hoped that through this meeting all of them can help in this collaboration process and provide benefits for all parties.

Assistant Deputy Yudi Prabangkara said that his party had come to escort an industrial party, namely GEM, which was already operating in the Morowali industrial area. GEM is one of the 5 largest industries in the world and is the largest stainless steel producer in the world currently in Morowali. GEM leaders not only develop their industry but support the provision of experts in the extract industry. GEM and CSU (Central South University) China have been collaborating with the Indonesian government since three years ago, sending 21 Indonesian scholars to study metallurgy in China for free. The second phase will ship about 40 or 50 more for batch II. For domestic industries where the extract industry is so massive where there are around 90 smalter industries for nickel and 51 for non-nickel minerals, it is certain that we will lack human resources in the field of Engineers, and this is a concern from the Ministry and directions from the Coordinating Minister to explore cooperation with Udayana University.

Founder and President Director of GEM Co., Ltd. Prof. On this occasion, Xu Kaihua briefly introduced GEM and its programs and activities. GEM is one of the largest companies in China engaged in recycling, where there are already 17 factories divided into 11 provinces in China. The company's main area is the recycling of industrial and electronic waste as well as used cars. On that occasion Prof. Xu also gave a glimpse of his investment in Indonesia, namely in Morowali, where there is also a nickel museum. In this museum, innovations are also being made to make new materials, so there are also three types of nickel materials being developed into new types of energy. The world pays a lot of attention to Indonesia because of this nickel, and in recent years the condition of nickel in the market has continued to develop. It is currently developing new energy with high technology. Besides, Morowali also developed a research center and brought technology from China. His party also invited Unud to come to the research center in Morowali and hoped to build a similar thing in Bali which has a very big appeal.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering I Ketut Sudarsana, Ph.D conveyed a glimpse of the Faculty of Engineering which has 7 Study Programs namely Architecture, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The program at the faculty strongly supports green energy which is in line with the policy of the Bali provincial government which will implement clean energy so that research is directed to green energy. His party is very interested if GEM can build research facilities on renewable energy, green energy in Bali through collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering Udayana University. It is also hoped that there will be industrial internship opportunities for students of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University in Morowali who can support the MBKM program. Likewise for lecturers to conduct joint research at the research center owned by GEM.