Discussing the Implementation of Cooperation, Udayana University Receives a Visit from the University of Indonesia

Udayana University (Unud) received a visit from the University of Indonesia (UI) at the Postgraduate Building, Unud Sudirman campus, Denpasar. This visit is in the context of implementing cooperation between the University of Indonesia and Udayana University. Tuesday (4/10/22). The UI delegation who attended this visit, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA (Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets), Dr. Eko Sakapurnama, S.P.Si, M.B.A (Head of Sub-Directorate of Academic and Government Cooperation), Andri Syahreza, SE.,MM (Head of Sub-Directorate of Business Cooperation), Suprapti, S.Hum., M.Si (Head of Academic and Government Cooperation), and two staff from the directorate of cooperation.

The visit was received by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes who was accompanied by the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Unud and the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Unud.

Prof. Adiatmika in this meeting welcomed and welcomed the University of Udayana to the University of Indonesia group, and conveyed a glimpse of the existence of the Udayana University campus which is located in 3 locations, as well as the process of several developments that have been carried out at Unud such as 8 dean buildings, RSGM and the other one. other. Regarding undergraduate lectures at Unud which will later be focused on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus as well as the construction of several joint lecture rooms, facilities and infrastructure were also conveyed. Through this meeting, it is hoped that the Parties can strengthen the existing cooperation and follow up with various other collaborative activities in the field of Higher Education Tri Dharma.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dedi expressed his gratitude because the UI group had been well received at Unud. In addition, Dr. Eko Sakapurnama Head of Sub-Directorate for Academic Cooperation and the Government also conveyed the profile of the University of Indonesia and proposals for collaborative study assignments for lecturers, MBKM programs, collaborations in research fields such as matching fund programs and warungreka, as well as collaboration in the field of community service, seminars, and synergy between Udayana University and University of Indonesia.