Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University Presents Six Foreign Speakers in International Seminar

In order to celebrate the 55th anniversary and 44th BKFP, the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held an International Seminar on the topic of Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management to Support Tourism and Green Economy", Thursday (22/09/2022) which took place offline in the Postgraduate Hall 3rd floor Unud Denpasar Campus. The seminar can also be watched on Udayana TV's Youtube channel https://youtu.be/8WuTPgr98BM.

This international seminar was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, lecturers, and students who attended both offline and online.

This seminar presented speakers not only from within the country but also from abroad, namely (1) Katrina Klett (College of Food, Agriculture & Natural Resource Management University of Minnesota, USA), (2) I Putu Sudiarta, Ph.D (Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University), (3) Prof. Nguyen Manh Khai, A.Ph.D (Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, VNU University of Science, Vietnam), (4) Charlie E B. Batin, Ph.D (Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines), (5) Chelsea Koot (Wageningen University and Research, The Netherland), (6) Dr. I Made Bachelor, M.Sc (Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University), (7) Prof. Shunsaku Hashimoto, Ph.D (Dean of Graduate School of Tourism Sciences University of the Ryukyus), and (8) Christopher Hentsch (Ecological and Sustainable Development Cooperation, Eco Project Wane, Germany).

Putu Perdana Kusuma Wiguna, M.Sc as Chair of the Committee reported that there were 150 participants offline and 168 online participants. This seminar aims to provide an understanding that agriculture is at the forefront and in the future can create a good economy. After the last 2 years we were hit by Covid-19 and all sectors suddenly collapsed, only the agricultural sector was able to survive. All things related to the agricultural sector become the leading sector and have a major role to create a green economy (Green Economy) and in the end are expected to create green jobs for everyone to increase income so that the economy becomes strong. Hopefully this seminar can provide knowledge and be useful for all of us.

While the Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP said that in Bali tourism development does not only pay attention to the economic path, but also environmental sustainability. On the other hand, the use of agricultural products or the tourism sector has also begun to be developed, developing the economy by integrating agriculture into tourism activities is another option from the Green Economy. A green economy that aims to improve the welfare and social equality of the community while reducing the risk of environmental damage significantly. In Bali, the Green Economy movement which started in agriculture has now received support in the tourism sector which has begun to prioritize nature conservation to support tourism and promote sustainable development. Through the implementation of this seminar, it will make us all understand how important the agricultural sector is to collaborate with tourism. For this reason, he hopes that all participants in this seminar will increase their knowledge and benefit all.