Improving Services to Students and Foreign Workers in Higher Education, Udayana University Holds Workshop

Udayana University (Unud) through the Academic Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations held a Workshop on Services for Study Permits and Permits for Foreign Workers, Reporting for Foreign Students, and Management of Limited Stay Permits for Foreign Students and Residence Permits for Foreign Workers at Grand Inna Kuta Bali for 2 days 16-17 September 2022. This workshop presented 3 speakers, namely Putri Nailatul Himma, SE., M.Ak and AA Sodikin from the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology, and Baskoro Dwi Prabowo, A.Md.Im., M.P.A. from the Immigration Office of Ngurah Rai Nusa Dua.

Head of the Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of Unud Drs. Indra Kecapa, M.Ed. as the Chair of the Committee in his report said that the purpose of holding this workshop was so that the Human Resources involved in managing international programs and other staff at Udayana University and also at other universities who attended this workshop understood the importance of completing the requirements that must be met by the Udayana University. students and foreign workers both in obtaining study permits, as well as permits for foreign workers to participate in a program or activity at a university.

Furthermore, the number of participants in this workshop was 58 people, consisting of 51 participants at Udayana University and elements of Udayana University's cooperation partners consisting of Ganesha Education University, National Education University, Warmadewa University, Bali State Polytechnic, Nusa Dua Tourism Polytechnic and Institute Indonesian Art Denpasar.

"Of course, we hope that after attending this workshop the participants can apply what is obtained in this workshop, so that they can improve the performance of international programs in each work unit," said the Head of the Academic Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations of Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika in his speech said that the International Program was one of the things that became the benchmark for the development of Udayana University into a World Class University. Therefore, the Rector announced how Unud will get recognition at the regional and international levels as stated in the 2020-2040 long-term academic development plan. "We are constantly developing this international program with the hope that more foreign students will come to study at Unud and more foreign workers can come to help us at Unud," he said.

Furthermore, the Vice Rector said that the presence of foreign students and staff should also be followed by good governance and good services so that they can carry out activities in accordance with the rules, instructions, and directions from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Immigration and are able to provide good services to students and foreign workers. Therefore, the University Leaders strongly support this workshop activity in order to share perceptions and understand together how to provide the best service to students and foreign workers who will attend Udayana University. "Let's work together to provide the best service to students and foreign workers," he said.