Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University Celebrates 60th Anniversary

The Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University (Fapet Unud) held the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Animal Science at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Friday (16/9/2022). This event began with the planting of ornamental plants in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry environment and various competitions between the Faculty of Animal Science academic community, and continued with the cutting of the cone and the release of birds by the leaders and staff.

Chairman of the Committee for the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Ir. I Wayan Wijana, M.P, in his report said, the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry took the theme "Strengthening Collaboration Towards a Superior Faculty of Animal Husbandry". Some of the activities that have been carried out previously include community service, tirta yatra and cleaning as well as handing over funds and public lectures, and today at the peak of the event, greening activities were carried out around the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, gymnastics, competitions, Expos and student arts and creativity performances. in order to increase the familiarity of the academic community of the Faculty of Animal Science, Unud.

Meanwhile, the Head of the 60th BK-FAPET Dr. Ir. Budi Rahayu Tanama Putri, S.Pt., M.M., IPU., ASEA Eng on this occasion said, with the choice of this theme, it is hoped that the MBKM program will be implemented well and can collaborate with institutions outside the Faculty of Animal Science that can support or improve all activities on campus so that later the Faculty of Animal Science, Unud can achieve superior predicate. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that in the future we can all have a stronger and closer bond, and foster a sense of brotherhood.

Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, Unud, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, M.S.,IPU.,ASEAN Eng, on this occasion, expressed his gratitude to the invitees who had attended and took the time to participate in this event as well as to the partners who have helped Fapet so far in carrying out cooperative relationships and the MBKM program. This celebration is a simple celebration and the first time after the pandemic. Several alumni have also attended this activity, the Dean on this occasion also said that later alumni will also be invited to an alumni gathering that will be carried out by Fapet with the aim of being able to provide suggestions or development and development of Fapet in the future. In celebration of the anniversary of Fapet, the academic community of lecturers, staff and students are expected to collaborate with each other and make Fapet more superior in the future.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU, in this regard, would like to congratulate the 60th Anniversary of BK-FAPET. Now that the Faculty of Animal Husbandry has made many changes in the future, therefore attention or support will now be given to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry to continue to develop, grow into an advanced, successful, victorious faculty and is needed by stakeholders.

Fapet's student body must continue to be improved, now Fapet already has 200 student bodies every year for the undergraduate level, this is an extraordinary achievement. The number of new students this year at the Faculty of Animal Science has also greatly increased, that needs to be supported so that later Fapet can grow and develop into a modern faculty.