Udayana University in Collaboration with BRI Holds the Inauguration of the Brilliant Village Deepening Program 2022

Udayana University (Unud) through the LPPM Business Incubator in collaboration with BRI held the Inauguration of the Brilliant Village Deepening Program in 2022 which took place in a hybrid manner from the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (7/9/2022).

The Brilliant Village Program is a village incubation that aims to produce role models in village development through the implementation of leadership practices and collaboration to optimize village potential. The inauguration of the Brilliant Village Deepening Program was opened by the Rector of Unud and presented two Keynote Speakers, namely the Governor of Bali represented by the Head of Bappeda I Wayan Wiasthana Ika Putra and the Chair of the Tourism Village Communication Forum I Made Mendra Astawa.

Head of the Social Entrepreneurship & Incubation Division of Bank BRI Dani Wildan, SE., M.BA in his remarks expressed his gratitude to all parties and participants involved in this program. After taking 2 months of training and attending 8 online classes, as many as 53 villages that are members of the brilliant village deepening program in 2022 received training where the focus is on topics around collaborative leadership, Bumdes institutional strengthening, digitalization, entrepreneurship and Bumdes/Village financial management.

So now we are at the stage of announcing the best villages through this inauguration event and the 3 best villages in this program will be announced which will later receive direct assistance from Udayana University for one month, where this assistance can be utilized by each village to get more benefits. develop the potential that exists in the Village and together find the best solution for the problems and challenges that exist in their respective villages. He also said that BRI is a bank that focuses on the micro, small and medium business segment, where the role of BRI is not only focused on the financial function but also focuses on empowering individual business actors and village institutions.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech expressed his gratitude to BRI for this program which has contributed to the community by optimizing village potential through community empowerment training. While the world of higher education requires cooperation with the business world and the industrial world or what we call Dudi. So higher education will be complete if it can partner with the business world and the industrial world. Hopefully this program will provide positive benefits for the village community because the village head has been given the concept of how to develop their respective villages which will not only have an impact on the economy but also the welfare of the village community.

Unud has two units related to this, namely the student entrepreneurship unit and the Business Incubator. He is grateful that BRI cooperates with the Unud Business Incubator related to this brilliant village deeping program. It is hoped that there will be more intense collaboration with other partners and local governments in how to play roles according to their respective fields, especially related to entrepreneurship and village potential development. He also hopes that this program can continue and Unud is ready to provide assistance.

The inauguration began with the announcement of the finalists for the 2022 brilliant village deepening program in Bali, NTB and NTT, followed by the presentation of certificates to the three best finalists. The three best finalists were 1st place in Panji Village, 2nd Place from Taro Village and 3rd Place from Kesiman Kertalangu Village. In this activity, a special video remark was also shown from the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, who congratulated the 53 best villages and hoped that a sustainable economy could be created for the wider community, especially those in Bali.