TCI Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Holds National Seminar "Tips for Successfully Passing the IISMA Program and Studying in China"

The Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University (Unud) held a national seminar "Tips for Success in Transmitting the IISMA Program and Studies in China" which took place in a hybrid manner at the Nusantara Room, Agrokomplek Building, 4th Floor, Udayana University Denpasar, Wednesday (31 August 2022). The opening ceremony of this national seminar was officially opened by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Tourism.

This activity was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Tourism of Udayana University with a cooperation partner from China, namely Nanchang University. This seminar activity presented five speakers from Udayana University, Nanchang University, and tourism practitioners. The first resource person is Dr. I Nyoman Ariana, SST. Par., M. Par. as the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Tourism with material on policies to increase student performance targets, the second speaker was delivered by Ms. Jane Lee from International Students Admission Officer, International Education College of Nanchang University with material Tips for successful study at Nanchang University China, the third speaker was presented by Prof. Tao Xianguang as Director of the China Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Udayana University with the material The Role of Mandarin in the Global Tourism industry, the fourth speaker is Dr.Drs. I Made Sendra, M.Si. with material on the role of TCI Udayana University in improving the capability of human resources for tourism and diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China, the fifth speaker was Mr. Hery Sudiarto with material on job opportunities in the Chinese tourism market.

Dr. Drs. I Made Sendra as the chairman of the committee in his report that one of the benchmarks for quality higher education is how much the graduates contribute to the surrounding community. This contribution can be assessed from the number of graduates who have worked, are able to continue their education to a higher level, or even become entrepreneurs. This fact is the trigger why almost every university innovates by creating various programs for students. One of the flagship programs initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture is the "Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA)" Program.

This IISMA program is one of eight Merdeka Campus Programs which aims to provide rights and opportunities for students to carry out self-development activities outside their campus at universities abroad. In addition to the IISMA program, this seminar also provides information about studying in China. The Chinese and Indonesian governments have collaborated to provide opportunities for students to study in China. China is increasingly favored by many students from various parts of the world, which is why it is important to be given information on how to study in China.

The seminar was attended offline as many as 315 first semester students from 3 study programs of the Faculty of Tourism and approximately 400 students of semester 3 and 5 of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University. This seminar is also coupled with testimonials from students of the Faculty of Tourism who have passed the IISMA program and testimonials from students of the Faculty of Tourism who have participated in the Exchange Student program at Nanchang University.