Udayana University Holds Socialization of Management Information System Internal Organizational Management Study Program (SIMPONI PADI)

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held a socialization of the Management Information System for the Management of the Internal Organization of the Study Program (SIMPONI PADI) in 2022 with the theme "Through Simponi Rice We Improve the Ranking of the Student Affairs Sector of Udayana University".

This socialization activity was carried out offline at the Postgraduate Building, Hall 3rd Floor, Udayana University Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (31/08/2022) by presenting resource person Made Arsa Suyadnya, ST, MT., as Head of Information System Development and Integration of USDI. Also attending this socialization event were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Head of USDI, Faculty Student Sub-Coordinators, BEM and DPM, as well as students from the Udayana University environment.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D, IPU., in his speech said that the PADI SIMPONI is a routine agenda that is held every year in order to socialize PADI SIMPONI to students. Students are expected to be able to escort them to participate in socializing to their classmates and friends who have achieved achievements.

This SIMPONI PADI is not only devoted to outstanding students, but can also be in the form of infrastructure and curriculum of a study program. It is hoped that all students will participate in making an achievement and be recorded in the PADI SIMPONI.