BAPETEN Collaborates with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Udayana University Hold a 2022 Nuclear Safety Seminar

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) in collaboration with the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN) held the 2022 Nuclear Safety Seminar (SKN) which took place in a hybrid manner at the Unud Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (24/8/2022).

In SKN 2022, he was present as a keynote speaker from the Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Alue Dohong virtually; Prof. Anak Agung Ngurah Gunawan from Faculty of MIPA Udayana University, Mr. David Bennett and Mr. Armin Lagumdzija virtually, as a Waste Safety Specialist from the Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety Department of Nuclear Safety and Security International Energy Atomic Energy (IAEA).

Plt. The head of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo stated in his remarks that to welcome the upcoming 2022 G20 Summit in Bali, where the big theme raised was energy transition, and along with the government's greater attention to clean energy transition issues and radioactive waste management, BAPETEN raised the theme in this Nuclear Safety Seminar: “The Role of Nuclear Supervision in Green Energy Transition and Radioactive Waste Management. With this theme, 102 papers were submitted and after going through the selection process, 91 papers were accepted to be presented at the seminar.

BAPETEN received many ideas and ideas from seminar participants and speakers regarding all matters related to nuclear control to achieve radiation safety through clean and environmentally friendly energy, as well as through good and integrated radioactive waste management. Because nuclear is one of the new renewable energies (EBT) which is expected to meet domestic green energy needs.

The Rector of Unud, who was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of MIPA, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc.,Ph.D said that the cooperation in organizing this activity was not only a place for sharing knowledge but also the success of government programs for universities, especially those related to the implementation of MBKM. The number of speakers who attended offline and online indicated that this moment was very important to become an arena for discussions regarding the Role of Nuclear Regulatory in Green Energy Transition and Radioactive Waste Management.

It is a must for us to think about the energy sources used and the availability of energy in the future and provide cleaner energy or 'clean energy'. Various thoughts, research and experiments have been carried out by the government together with existing scientists, such as the development of energy sources that come from wind, and others but have not been able to meet the increasing energy needs. Nuclear-based energy is a thought worth considering. BAPETEN certainly has an important role in determining the steps that must be taken in the use of nuclear energy and how to handle it. Many experts have joined both offline and online in the 2022 Nuclear Safety Seminar and it is hoped that this activity will run smoothly and successfully.

Meanwhile, for Faculty of MIPA, the SKN 2022 activity is expected to be an embryo for the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) within the Physics Study Program of Faculty of MIPA Unud which is currently developing a medical physics expertise program. The medical physics expertise program is one of the expertise programs in the Physics Study Program where almost 50 percent of the credits in the field of specialization are related to activities involving radioisotopes and nuclear power. Medical Physics graduates are expected to be able to work in hospitals, especially in radiology and radiotherapy facilities, or work in agencies dealing with nuclear power issues in Indonesia, one of which is BAPETEN.