Faculty of Humanities of Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN at the CACI Program

The Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University received a visit from the Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN on Thursday (18/8). The Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Information of Udayana University accompanied by the Dean of Faculty of Humanities of Udayana University warmly welcomed the arrival of the Ambassador and the team at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Nias Campus, Denpasar.

The visit was carried out in order to strengthen the China-ASEAN Cross-Culture Institute (CACI) cooperation program as well as handing over donations to support the smooth running of CACI activities. The Dean of Faculty of Humanities of Udayana University, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., said that Udayana University had collaborated with the Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN through CACI since 2020 in the fields of culture and language learning.

Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Deng Xijun said the same thing. According to him, Udayana University is the first university to have the opportunity to participate in the program. He hoped that the CACI program could improve relations between China and ASEAN. "We hope the institute will have a future study of China-ASEAN relations and contribute the intellectual support study to the China-ASEAN relations," explained the Ambassador.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Information of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., said that the information obtained would be used as a reference for the implementation of CACI activities to strengthen cooperation between China and ASEAN. So that with the support provided, CACI can realize it through useful activities. "The various activities carried out by CACI are expected in the future to be carried out at Udayana University so that we can contribute to Indonesia as well as to contribute to ASEAN and cooperate between ASEAN and China," added the Vice Rector.