Udayana University Collaborates with RRI Denpasar

The Rector of Udayana University and the Head of RRI Denpasar signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) as a form of cooperation between the two institutions, Thursday (11/8/2022) at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus Rectorate. This was then followed up with the signing of a cooperation agreement (PKS) between the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University and RRI Denpasar. The activity was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Planning, Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Head of RRI Denpasar, and other leadership ranks.

Head of RRI Denpasar Mr. Drs. Adi Pramono, M.Si explained, through this collaboration, his party hopes to get the support of resource persons from Udayana University, both in the fields of health, agriculture, applied technology, and the preservation of cultural arts. “RRI has art workers who are our employees, but all of them are nearing retirement, only about 30-40 percent of the total. This is what we are trying through Faculty of Humanities Unud to work together to produce new artists who are engaged in Balinese arts and culture," explained the Head of RRI Denpasar.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara welcomed this collaboration. The Rector hopes that Udayana University's human resources can help fill the RRI Denpasar event related to Balinese culture and other scientific fields. This collaboration is expected to support the MBKM program by providing opportunities for Udayana University students to do internships at RRI Denpasar.

“We are very supportive, because Unud has experts in various fields. We also hope that this collaboration will support the MBKM program which is a good opportunity for Udayana University students in all faculties to do MBKM internships, both in the fields of culture, technology, communication, and so on, "

The Rector added that his party is ready to help RRI Denpasar human resources who want to continue their studies at Udayana University. The Rector also hopes that RRI Denpasar can utilize Udayana University alumni according to the required competencies, thus helping to strengthen RRI Denpasar's human resources in the future. "Hopefully RRI Denpasar can conduct recruitment for Unud alumni, so that they can strengthen RRI Denpasar human resources. We also hope to help RRI Denpasar to improve RRI human resources who want to continue their studies at Unud," added the Rector. (Med)