Udayana University Collaborates with Bali Design and Business Institute

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with the Bali Design and Business Institute (IDB) which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by both parties in the Bahasa Room of Unud Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (10/08/2022). This activity was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Unud along with the Cooperation and Rector of IDB Bali and their ranks.

Vice Rector Prof. Dr.dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his speech said that this was an extension of the MoU from IDB which was previously called STD Bali. Under the coordination of the Bali Rector's Forum, we have launched a collaboration between PTN and PTS in Bali. There is already an MoU with APTISI as an umbrella in order to strengthen our synergy in Bali in providing the best service to students. With this collaboration, we can share information, resources and other knowledge which will be followed up through a cooperation agreement. The leadership of Unud advised that the MoU be an umbrella and PKS as its implementation along with the minutes of the implementation of its activities. The cooperation monitoring and evaluation is usually carried out at the end of the year which will be uploaded to the Dikti Report. He hopes that the signed MoU can provide more benefits for both institutions.

Meanwhile, Rector of IDB Bali Dr. Ni Kadek Suryani, S.E., S.I.Kom., M.M in his speech said that this collaboration continued the previous collaboration from a high school which ended two years ago which has now become an institute. Many activities have been running and have had time to monitor and evaluate. IDB is also a PTS assisted by Unud, especially in accreditation, and it is very happy to be guided. The previous activity was also the collaboration of international seminar speakers. We will also hold another international seminar where one of the speakers is from Faculty of Social Science and Political Science of Unud, for that we need an umbrella of cooperation which will be followed up through PKS. The Rector of IDB Bali expressed his appreciation for having been given the opportunity to collaborate with Unud, where IDB is currently developing as the only design university that is branding itself as the best design campus. When he rose to become an institute, a new business program was opened where previously it was only design. It has also established cooperation with parties abroad, namely countries in Europe. The Rector of IDB hopes that the collaboration can continue and open up opportunities for other collaborations.