Strengthening the Digital Library, Library of Udayana University Visits the University of Indonesia Library and National Library

Head of Udayana University (Unud) Library, Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari, along with the secretary and heads of divisions made a visit to the University of Indonesia Library and the National Library, Wednesday to Thursday, July 20-21 2022.

The visit of the UPT Library Team of Unud was received by the Head of the Indonesia University (UI) Library, Mariyah, S.Sos., M.Hum and their staff. On this occasion, the Head of the Library of Udayana University and the Head of the Library of the University of Indonesia exchanged information related to library digitization, public relations, and information regarding the development of social media. The Head of the University of Indonesia Library also shared information about the policies of the leadership at the Rectorate level in the development of the UI library.

Meanwhile, during a visit to the National Library, the group from the UPT Library of Udayana University was received by the Head of the Center for Development of School/Madrasah and Higher Education Libraries, Drs. Nurcahyono. S.S., M.Si. and their staff. Nurcahyono stated that the university library is a library which is an integral part of education, research, and community service activities and functions as a learning center to support the achievement of educational goals.

The National Library submits the book on Norms, Standards, Procedures, and Criteria (NSPK) for University Libraries to the Head of the Library of Udayana University to provide an overview and views, as well as knowledge about NSPK in the organization and management of university libraries in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Library of Udayana University stated that a visit to the University of Indonesia Library and the National Library provided many pictures and ideas for innovation, especially digital libraries and library public relations.