Developing Entrepreneurial Spirit and Student Work Power, Udayana University Holds Independent Entrepreneurial Socialization Kemdikbudistek

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau in a marathon on the same day Wednesday (20/07/2022) held 2 (two) socializations related to the Ministry of Education and Technology's Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udayana University in 2022 online through the Cisco Webex application. The first socialization invited the Deans, Vice Deans for Student Affairs, Study Program Coordinators, Candidates for Field Assistant Lecturers (DPL), and students at Udayana University, and an hour later the second socialization was carried out by inviting PTN/PTS leaders throughout Bali. This socialization activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University by presenting speakers from the Head of the MBKM Working Group Dr. I Ketut Sardiana and the Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Unit Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani.

The Independent Entrepreneurial Program is one of the eight forms of the Merdeka Campus Program of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which provides opportunities for students to learn and develop themselves into potential entrepreneurs through activities outside of class lectures. The independent entrepreneurship program collaborates with Implementing Universities to develop entrepreneurial learning that is able to hone the entrepreneurial spirit, encourage increased entrepreneurial experience and increase student employability. Different from other MBKM programs, this program does not require a minimum GPA.

Head of the Unud Entrepreneurship Development Unit, Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani reported that this activity was handled by the MBKM Pokja Team in collaboration with EDC Unud to build or teach students to understand character in entrepreneurship. This activity will be held for 1 semester in the odd semester of 2022 and in its implementation, support from faculty leaders is requested so that later this activity can be recognized as an academic activity so that it can be converted and recognized by 20 credits. This program will be more of a learning process in entrepreneurship than selling products. In line with the hashtag that was echoed, namely Let's join with Udayana University, building a mindset is not just a turnover.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his appreciation to the Chair of the MBKM Working Group and the Chair of the Unud EDC who have struggled to compete with Udayana University so that it is believed to be one of 17 Universities as Organizers of the Independent Entrepreneurial Program and embraces the surrounding higher education institutions, especially the Bali NTT NTB area. The target of this program is 750 students with a distribution of 450 Unud students and 300 students outside Unud, accompanied by 75 field assistant lecturers, 35 UKM and Mentors and 35 business consultants.

The Vice Rector on this occasion also invited the leaders of PTN/S in Bali, as well as the Deans in the Unud environment to encourage each student who meets the requirements to join this program so that they can create young entrepreneurs who have character, are tough and of course this is can support the Main Performance Indicators of each university, both Unud itself as the organizer and the university from which the student originates. Where in IKU 1 Higher Education is expected to produce graduates who get decent jobs, one way is by entrepreneurship. Likewise in IKU 2, where students get learning experiences outside of campus. Therefore, the Vice Chancellor appealed especially to the Deans and Koprodi in Unud to appreciate the efforts of students by recognizing this program as many as 20 credits. "Moreover, the Rector has facilitated and supported MBKM activities a lot, as if his car had stepped on the gas, therefore we hope that all of us can balance it so that there is no flat wheel that hinders the journey", said the Vice Rector.

"For that we ask for your support and cooperation so that this program is not hampered only because of data collection problems such as students who have not been registered in PD DIKTI or administrative problems such as scores that cannot be converted," he added.

Furthermore, the resource persons explained related to the background of this program, program stages, implementation schedule as well as detailed requirements and technical methods for registering. More information is always updated on Instagram @WMK_unud.