Udayana University Holds Briefing for Prospective Participants of the Certified Independence Study Internship Program (MSIB) Batch 3

The Student Bureau of Udayana University held a briefing for prospective participants of the Batch 3 Certified Independence Study Internship (MSIB) program online through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (04/07/2022). This briefing was attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Chair of the USCC and the Team and students who have registered to join this program. The materials presented were MSIB socialization, CV writing techniques and following interviews with speakers Samuel Juan Pranoto and the MSIB Merdeka Campus PMO Team as well as materials related to MSIB alumni testimonials by MSIB alumni.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his direction asked students to listen to all the material presented by the resource person and pay close attention to it and ask if there was something that was not understood. The speakers presented are intended to facilitate questions or things that are not yet understood related to MSIB, one of which is CV writing and interview techniques. This year, there are only a few who register, which is very far from the previous year, it is hoped that participants who attend can inform their fellow students to participate in this program. This program has an impact in improving the soft skills and hard skills of students. After participating in this activity, you will definitely get benefits in the form of experience and additional knowledge so that you are better prepared in the world of work. The Vice Rector hopes that students can take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the MSIB program as well as possible so as to increase their chances of being accepted into the world of work.

The speaker in his material conveyed several things including talent challenges in the future, namely Technology, Socio-Culture, Workforce and Environment. This MSIB is a high quality program with Professional Mentors, Collaboration, recognition of 20 credits and obtaining certificates. This MSIB aims to reduce the gap in the availability of human resources between industrial demand and graduates from universities. The speaker also conveyed about the legal basis and learning structure of this MSIB which has also been trusted by companies from all over Indonesia in producing quality workers (Interns). In the material, the criteria for students to take part in the program are also presented.