Audience with Bali Governor, Rector of Udayana University Expects Additional Bus Fleet to Jimbaran Campus

Denpasar - The Rector of Udayana University together with the Vice Rectors and the BMN Coordinator held an audience with the Governor of Bali in order to request routes and increase the bus fleet for the Sudirman Campus route to the Jimbaran Campus. The Rector of Udayana University and his entourage were received directly by the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster accompanied by the Head of the Transportation Department at the Bali Governor's Office, Jayasabha Denpasar, Thursday (2/6/2022).

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara said that his party together with the Vice Rectors and BMN Coordinators held an audience with the Governor of Bali regarding several things, namely the addition of a bus fleet for the route from Denpasar to Jimbaran Campus in order to support transportation for the academic community related to the gradual decentralization of undergraduate lectures on the hill campus which is expected can at least facilitate new students this year. The governor is committed to this through the Head of the Transportation Agency. Unud also plans to build a bus terminal at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus.

Other things that were conveyed in the hearing were scholarship support for underprivileged students from Bali in completing their education, the Governor's support to accelerate the process of land certificates for Udayana University assets so that they can be utilized through collaboration with third parties to improve services, in the student sector in the form of collaborative activities such as the Governor's Championship Cup, and information on the appointment of the Udayana University Hospital as a referral hospital for the implementation of the G20 which still requires support in completing services in terms of equipment.

The governor expects Udayana University as a higher education institution to synergize with the Bali Provincial Government and work more closely to build Balinese society. The Rector of Udayana University said that his party was very ready, especially those related to universities.