40 Lecturers and Entrepreneurship Students of Udayana University Attend the Trade Policy Socialization of the Ministry of Trade “Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE)”

In order to support Government Regulation (PP) Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trading Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) with the aim of creating a safe electronic commerce ecosystem and encouraging increased trading activities and the electronic commerce industry (e-commerce), the academic community of Udayana University has a total of 40 people (lecturers who have innovation products and entrepreneurial students) and MSME actors assisted by the Bali Provincial Industry and Trade Office attended the Ministry of Trade's Goes to Campus (Trade Through Electronic System) activity which was carried out by the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Trade at The Trans Resort Bali Seminyak, Monday (30/5/2022).

The opening ceremony was attended by the Rector of Udayana University who in this case was represented by the Head of the LPPM Business Incubator, Udayana University, Dr. drh. Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, M.Biomed, Head of the Bali Province Industry and Trade Office and three resource persons, namely the Secretary of the Directorate General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade, Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of Tokopedia and Social Media Experts and Digital Media Consultants.

In his remarks, the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, the Ministry of Trade said that this is expected to be one way to assist Indonesia in promoting economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. This can be shown in increasing the value of trade in goods and services by utilizing trade through electronic systems, increasing the competitiveness of domestic business actors, especially MSMEs and creating solutions for national MSMEs to participate in the global value chain framework.

This is also expected to facilitate trade transactions between ASEAN regions, encourage the creation of a conducive environment for trade through electronic systems and increase cooperation between ASEAN countries for the development and promotion of the use of electronic media in order to create inclusive growth and reduce inequality in ASEAN. This activity was filled with Socialization of Trade Policy Through Electronic Systems (PMSE), PMSE Potential Through Market Workshops (online market) and closed with 3 Powerful Keys to Selling Online.