Udayana University Holds Socialization of BLU Maturity Rating within the BLU Work Unit

Jimbaran - Udayana University through the Planning and Finance Bureau held a BLU Maturity Rating Socialization within the BLU Work Unit at the Nusa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Friday (27/5/2022). This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Udayana University by presenting speakers from the Bali Province DJPB Office.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Udayana University Prof. IGB Wiksuana in his speech conveyed this activity in the context of fostering Unud as a Public Service Agency related to the assessment of Performance Achievements and the application of good governance at Udayana University through a maturity level assessment which refers to the Regulation of the Director General of Treasury number PER-11/PB/2021 concerning Assessment Guidelines BLU Governance and Performance.

Through the presence of this resource person, it is hoped that there will be enlightenment regarding what things need to be prepared in the context of assessing Performance Achievements in 2021. He hopes that the Leaders, as well as the team that has been formed by the Rector can follow and listen to the material provided, so that various data and documents are needed can be met according to the standards or indicators requested. The data or documents needed to meet the assessment indicators, his party received a report from the Head of BPKU that was listed by the Finance Section to be distributed to the Team and to the PIC who had been appointed to each Work Unit that provided the data to be sent and given to the Finance Division Team, henceforth it will be uploaded to the BIOS application (BLU Integrated Online System) as data to support the fulfillment of assessment indicators. Because of the importance of data as the fulfillment of the required indicators, the leaders in the relevant work units are also invited on this occasion so that they can participate in understanding and monitoring the availability of the required data.

At the last Dewas Meeting, the Rector hoped that Udayana University as the BLU Satker could achieve a Maturity Rating rating of up to Level 5 or at least at level 4. In this regard, as the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, he requested that all work together as a team to achieve the Rector hopes. (HM)