If You Experience Bullying, Report to the Udayana University P3KS Task Force

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau and the Student Counseling and Advocacy Unit of Udayana University held a Workshop on Introduction to Psychology First Aid (PFA) Cases of Sexual Violence Bullying and IMISSU E-Counseling Mechanisms for Counselors/Academic Supervisors who are Representatives of Study Programs from Faculties at Udayana University which was held in Hybrid (Offline and Online), Thursday (19/05/2022) with the main point at the Bangsa Room, Bukit Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, and online via Zoom Meeting from their respective residences.

This workshop presented two resource persons, namely Reni Kusuma Wardhani, M.Psi., a Psychologist with material on Introduction to PFA in Cases of Sexual Violence and I Made Arsa Suyadnya, ST., M.Eng with material on IMISSU E-Counselling Mechanisms in Udayana University at the Counselor/Lecturer. Academic counselors.

Head of the Student Counseling and Advocacy Unit of Udayana University, Dra. Adijanti Marheni, M.Si in his report said that this workshop was conducted considering that recently there have been several cases of sexual violence among students. For this reason, this activity is expected to be a provision for counselors/supervising lecturers, so that when on duty they can carry out proper handling in accordance with Psychology First Aid.

Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana as Vice Rector for Student Affairs said that this activity was carried out in order to facilitate students who need counseling in both academic and non-academic fields and need assistance. The Vice Rector hopes that if he finds a case of bullying or sexual violence, he is expected to report it to the P3KS Task Force (Handling the Prevention of Sexual Violence). The P3KS Task Force was formed not only for students, but for the entire academic community of Udayana University.

This workshop can be watched in full on the Udayana TV Youtube channel with the link https://youtu.be/ITtZKyvN_bY.