Establish Synergy in the 2024 Election, Udayana University Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Bali Provincial Bawaslu

The Rector of Udayana University who in this case was represented by the Head of the Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Drs. IGN Indra Kecapa, M.Ed. attended the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Bali Province, Tuesday (19/04/2022) at Harris Hotel and Residences Sunset Road. The signing ceremony was coupled with a Public Relations Discussion with the theme "The Role of Journalists in Supporting the Bali Provincial Bawaslu in the Implementation of Elections and Simultaneous Elections in 2024" which was held by the Bali Provincial Bawaslu.

This Public Relations discussion was held in order to establish synergy between the Bali Provincial Bawaslu and journalists in order to realize mass media participation in the 2024 General Election and Simultaneous Election. as the Kordiv of Law, Public Relations, and Datin Bawaslu of Bali Province and Agus Mahendra, S.Sos., M.Sc. as a journalist.

The Chairperson of the Bali Provincial Bawaslu said that this activity was carried out in an effort to strengthen community relations which was continuously improved. Through joint discussions with journalists from various media, it is hoped that this can support the achievement of the Bali Provincial Bawaslu's goals, objectives and work targets. On this occasion the Bali Provincial Bawaslu also signed Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreements with several universities including Mahasaraswati University, Warmadewa University, Dwijendra University, Mahendradatta University and Dhyana Pura. Through the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, it is hoped that the creation of a synergistic and harmonious relationship with stakeholders in the field of science will be established.