Udayana University Holds Public Test of the Rector's Draft Regulation on Student Organizations and Activities

Udayana University held a Public Test of the Rector's Draft Regulation on Student Organization and Activities at Udayana University at the Nusantara Room, Agrokomplek Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (4/4/2022).

This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU. and attended by the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, Head of the Community Organization Development Unit, Core Management of University BEM, Core Management of University DPM, Head of University UKM, Head of the Faculty Students Senate and Head of Faculty BPM.

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs in his speech conveyed that the previous Rector's Regulation on Student Organization and Activities after being evaluated still has various shortcomings such as university rules and targets that must be met, and revisions are made to the Rector's of Udayana University Regulation Number 2 of 2020. Following up on the discussion In the revision referred to, today a Public Test is conducted on the Rector's Draft Regulation on Student Organizations and Activities. This draft has gone through a series of processes that have been discussed by the drafting team and made into a rector's draft regulation with the sections, articles and verses contained in it.

The purpose of this revision of the Rector's Regulation is to direct students that whatever activities will be carried out can be directed according to the vision and mission of Udayana University such as development, talents, interests and reasoning. In addition, it is also hoped that this Public Test will get input from the Ormawa because this regulation is intended for Ormawa as the executor of the activity. Through the implementation of this Public Test, it is hoped that input or written reasons will be obtained to build Udayana University in the future to be better.

The speakers who attended this event were Drs. I Wayan Santi Yasa, M.Si, Dr. I Made Sarjana, SH., MH, Dr. A.A. Istri Ari Atu Dewi, SH., MH, Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, SH., M.Kn., I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Si. accompanied by two moderators, namely Dr. I Made Anom Wirata, S.IP., M.A. and Dr. Nyoman Ariana, SST.,Par.,M.Par.