Improving Journal Governance, JUPI Udayana University Holds Workshop on Publication Governance and Development of Unud Journal

The Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) of Udayana University held a Workshop on Publication Governance and Development of Unud Journal in the Hall of the Graduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (29/3/2022). The workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Udayana University and was attended by journal managers in the Udayana University environment.

A.A Diah Parami Dewi, ST.,MT.,Ph.D as the Chair of the Committee conveyed that the workshop which was attended by 85 participants aimed to map the needs of journal managers and to improve journal governance, especially governance related to journal finance at Udayana University. The expected output is that the journal managers will later get an overview, information, suggestions and input related to financial management from the journal being managed, such as the costs for publishing an article. He hopes that this workshop will provide benefits and understanding related to financial governance of journals so that it can indirectly improve the quality and ranking of journals that are managed.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. Dr.Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his speech said that it was a matter of pride as the Vice Rector who oversees the JUPI Unit, who continuously strives for journal management which is the result of the dedication of lecturers and students in the Udayana University environment. We conduct this workshop, of course, to improve journal governance and identify unit needs, one of which is related to financial governance, where one of the resource persons from SPI is not mistaken in managing it because it has an impact on future accountability. As it is known that not all journals have to do business because they are focused on developing and improving quality.

Currently, Udayana University has 116 journals, including 11 embryonic journals at LPPM, and 87 indexed by SINTA. Udayana University also won the 3rd national ranking under Unnes and Undip. For Scopus, there are 2, web of science 3 journals and hopefully it can go up again, DOAJ indexation is 43 journals. Another achievement is the acquisition of rank 4 publisher Garuda. For all these achievements, the Vice Rector thanks the journal manager and of course the JUPI team and managers have new breakthroughs for future development. His party will continue to back up through the provision of rewards for journals with good grades. Under the coordination of the new chairman, it is hoped that the new planning stage will be refreshed and JUPI will facilitate the existing units. Commitment is needed for this.

This workshop presented three resource persons, namely the previous Head of the JUPI Unit who currently serves as Secretary of LPPM Unud, namely Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM with material on the Baseline of Unud Journal, Head of JUPI Unit Gusti Ayu Putu Candra Dharmayanti, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D with material on Mapping Needs of Unud Journal Manager JUPI 2022 Program and Secretary of SPI Udayana University Dr. Ni Made Adi Erawati, SE., M.Si with material on Journal of Financial Governance and moderator Ainul Ghurri, ST., MT., Ph.D.