Udayana University Holds Job Performance Assessment for Archivist Functional Positions

Udayana University held an Archivist Functional Job Performance Assessment held in the Hall of the Graduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (28/3/2022). This activity was opened by the Head of the General Bureau representing the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance and was attended by archivists in Unud.

Drs. Bambang Parjono Widodo, M.Si from ANRI was present as a resource person with material on Performance Assessment and Iwan Setiawan, S.Kom with material on Management of the Secretariat of the Assessment Team and acted as moderator I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Sc.

The Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati SE., MM on this occasion hoped that the resource persons could provide understanding and guidance to Unud archivists, making it easier for Unud archivists in filling out SKP and assessing work performance. The Head of the General Bureau also hopes that the participants present can dig up information and ask questions that need to be discussed with resource persons, making it easier for archivists in filling out SKP and assessing work performance.

After implementing the equalization policy by the Ministry, Udayana University currently has 55 archivists. With this large number, it is hoped that there will be an Assessment Team at Udayana University, so that currently two archivists have been proposed to have certificates. Through the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that it can add insight to archivists at Udayana University, in addition, it is also hoped that this activity will provide enlightenment on what to do and the mechanism and how to manage the secretariat. In the management of archives, currently Udayana University has also formed the Higher Education Archives Institute (LKPT).